Mokesčių pakeitimai nuo 2025 m.

Mokesčių pakeitimai nuo 2025 m.

I am interested in income and asset reporting

Declaration of income and assets, granting of support

For non-residents of Lithuania

Gyventojams ir įmonėms: prisijungimas prie VMI elektroninių sistemų, Lietuvoje gautų pajamų apmokestinimas

Інформація для громадян України

Інформація про індивідуальну господарську діяльність (Самозайнята особа)

Immovable property tax (only in Lithuanian)

Tax assessment, reliefs, rates, return and payment

I am interested in value added tax - VAT(for residents of Lithuania)

Registration as a VAT payer, submission of FR0600 and FR0608 forms, filling in VAT invoice registers i.SAF, VAT return, etc.

Registering self-employment (for residents of Lithuania)

Individualios veiklos pagal pažymą įregistravimas/išregistravimas, verslo liudijimo įsigijimas, mokesčiai, apskaita ir kt.

Setting up a company

Forms of enterprise, tax accounting, recruiting employees, authorization management

Receiving income abroad (for residents of Lithuania)

Income taxation, elimination of double taxation, procedures for tax return and payment

Logging in to STI electronic systems

Login, means of access, granting/terminating rights in My STI, EDS, i.MAS, OSS, AIS, EPRIS, TIES systems

Receiving income from the sale/letting of property (for residents of Lithuania)

Apmokestinimas, deklaravimas, pajamų mokesčio sumokėjimas

Paying taxes, fines, overpayments and arrears

Tax records, overpayments, arrears, administrative fines