What is the EDS and how to connect to it / to represent another person?

The STI Electronic Declaration System (EDS) enables taxpayers to submit tax declarations and other forms electronically, and to perform procedures related to tax declaration.
You may log in to the EDS at deklaravimas.vmi.lt or select a section EDS on the STI website www.vmi.lt.  
To become the EDS user, you must enter with the tax authority into the Agreement for the electronic submission of documents. The Agreement for the electronic submission of documents can be entered into with a taxpayer (natural person or legal entity): 

1.    electronically

  • with a taxpayer – a natural person:
  1. after a natural person has logged in through external systems (e-banking, SE Center of Registers, E-Government Gateway), with an electronic signature or using the STI means of login provided by the STI; 
  2. after getting acquainted with the Agreement and confirming own consent to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 
  • with a taxpayer – legal entity: 
  1. after the Head of a legal entity or a person treated as such has logged in through external systems (e-banking, SE Centre of Registers, E-Government Gateway), with an electronic signature or using the means of login provided by the STI;
  2. after the Head of a legal entity or a person treated as such has logged in and confirmed an automatically generated agreement. 

2.    in writing, upon arrival of a taxpayer to the STI Service Division

More information on how to conclude an agreement electronically or in writing can be found here. Declarations and other forms which are submittable through EDS, may be submitted by yourself or by a person authorized by you. To authorize another person, you must confer to him/her the rights of representation to submit documents electronically. After having logged in to the EDS, select Nustatymai -> Atstovavimas-> Mane atstovaujantys asmenys -> Administruoti įgaliotų asmenų teises or, upon arrival to the STI Service Division*, provide an annex to the Agreement, which must specify the details of the representative (forename, surname, personal number, address of the place of residence).  

The list of tax declarations and other forms submitted through the EDS can be found here.

The more detailed information on how can a foreign country citizen login to EDS system or other electronic systems of the STI is available here.