In which cases, the residents of Lithuania must declare the income received in 2019?

The main cases when the residents of Lithuania have to submit the Annual Income Tax Return (Form GPM311):

  • for the recalculation of the annual tax-exempt amount of income (ATEAI);
  • when certain types of income, which, according to the income tax payment procedure, is classified as income of class B (for example, after receiving rental income from other residents, interest, labour related income from abroad, etc.) were received during the calendar year);
  • because of the registered individual activities performed under an individual activity certificate or because of a business certificate that was held by the taxpayer (even if no income has been received);
  • if there is an obligation to declare the assets (for example, for civil servants, politicians, etc.);
  • to benefit from the tax exemptions established (for example, for works of finish and any repair of buildings and other structures, services of passenger car repair, minor child care services, for studies, life insurance, contributions to pension funds);
  • for recalculation of personal income tax when a progressive personal income tax rate is applied (20%, 27%).

Information about who must declare the income received in 2019 can be found here (in Lithuanian language).