How to log in to the EDS

The STI Electronic Declaration System (EDS) enables taxpayers to electronically submit tax returns and other documents, and to carry out other procedures linked to tax return. You can log in to the EDS via

To start using the EDS you have to log in and read the EDS Terms and Conditions. You can log in to the EDS by either of the following:

  • via external systems (e-banking, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, E-Government Gateway);
  • using an electronic signature (mobile or foxed electronic signature); 
  • using the means of access provided by the STI.

Once you have logged in to the EDS, you can read and accept the EDS Terms and Conditions by selecting Accept. Selecting Decline means you will not be able to use the EDS (i.e. you will not be able to submit tax returns, view submitted documents, etc.).