How to register self-employment under an individual activity certificate

Before registering self-employment under an individual activity certificate, natural persons must first register in the Register of Taxpayers by submitting Form REG812 to the State Tax Inspectorate. Natural persons may take-up self-employment from the date when Form REG812 is submitted. The most convenient way to submit Form REG812 is to use My STI: Paslaugos -> Individuali veikla pagal pažymą -> Individualios veiklos pagal pažymą užsakymas, keitimas ir atstovo duomenų tvarkymas -> Pildyti. The hard copy of Form REG812 may also be submitted directly upon arrival to the nearest county State Tax Inspectorate.* 

*Please note that you have to schedule an appointment in advance before your arrival to the State Tax Inspectorate Service Division

For more detailed information, please see here (only in Lithuanian).

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