How to assign representatives in the EDS

To authorize other persons to carry out necessary actions (submit tax returns, other documents, etc.) in the EDS, you must grant representation rights. You can do this:

  • electronically. Log in to the EDS, select the taxpayer on whose behalf you want to grant representation rights and select Nustatymai -> Atstovavimas -> Mane atstovauja, enter the personal details of the represented person therein (name, surname, personal identification number), and select Ieškoti. After verifying the data and specifying the rights you wish to grant and the validity period thereof, select Tvirtinti teisių rinkinį;
  • After arriving at the STI Service Division* and filling out the EDS usage rules appendix;

  • By sending the appendix to the EDS usage rules by post (via postal service providers). A copy of the document confirming the identity of the person must be sent and certified by a notary or another procedure established by legal acts together with the aforementioned attachment;

  • By sending the EDS usage rules appendix by e-mail to [email protected]. The attachment must be signed with a qualified electronic signature.

The rights of other users linked to a taxpayer (natural or legal person) are administered electronically by EDS users with representative administration rights. For more information on how to grant administration rights please see here.

How the head of a legal entity can grant representation rights to accounting officers in the EDS

The head of a legal entity or person equivalent thereto can grant representation rights either automatically or manually to accounting officers by logging in to the EDS, and selecting

Nustatymai -> Atstovavimas -> Mane atstovauja in the table Apskaitą tvarkantis asmuo.

By selecting the accounting officer in the table Apskaitą tvarkantis asmuo and selecting Suteikti automatiškai, all EDS representation rights are granted to the accounting officer (including user administration rights). If the option Suteikti rankiniu būdu is chosen, then only the manually selected EDS representation rights by the head of the legal entity are granted to the accounting officer.

Please note that the data on the accounting officer is updated in accordance with Form FR0791 (notice from a legal entity about change in its data in the Register of Taxpayers).

How to become a representative of a minor child in the EDS

Parents or guardians with minor children or legal dependents may choose to represent the minor. After logging in to the EDS, persons with minor children must select Atstovauti nepilnametį under Aš atstovauju, and minors will appear on the list of represented persons. The rights to carry out all EDS-linked actions will be granted automatically. If a parent (mother, father) or guardian has more than one minor child, the rights will be granted to all minor children respectively (there is no option to choose to represent only one minor child).

*Please note that you have to schedule an appointment in advance before your arrival to the STI Service Division. You may book your appointment online.