Checking for administrative fines

To check for administrative fines, sign in to My STIIn the start window section Mokesčiai ir baudos, you will find up-to-date information on administrative fines and unpaid amounts, dates of offenses, fine amounts, payment terms and offense identification codes (ROIK).

Details of the obligations are accessed by clicking on the respective obligation link, and details of specific fines are accessed by clicking on the respective fine heading.

Information on the obligations of administrative fines, imposed since 2015 July 1, can be viewed in My STI system after ordering the report of administrative fines in the section Ataskaitos.

To access all notifications received regarding fines for administrative offenses (these notifications are sent each time the State Tax Inspectorate receives information on any fines imposed), sign in to My STI and select Dokumentai. These notifications contain the authorities which imposed the administrative fine, offense identification code (ROIK), the date of the offense, the amount of the fine, the due date of payment, and the details for making the payment.

Information on imposed fines is provided according to the data of  the Register of Administrative Offenseswhere the officials of the relevant institution register violations after imposing the fines.

To access basic information related to the circumstances of the offense for which the fine was imposed (e.g. type of offense, location of the offense, the authority which imposed the fine, etc.), sign in to the service portal of the Department of Informatics and Communications at, and select Administraciniai nusižengimai −> Administracinėn atsakomybėn traukiamiems asmenims, or be contacted directly to review the relevant circumstances of the offense for which the fine was impos.