What is My STI and how to log in/represent another person

My STI is a convenient and simple STI electronic service platform where you can find personal information relevant to you, e.g. tax arrears and overpayments administered by the STI, tax due reminders, as well as e-filing/receiving documents, acquiring/renewing business licenses, registering as a taxpayer for VAT purposes, submitting applications for tax overpayment (difference) refunds, etc.

You may log in to My STI at www.vmi.lt/manovmi/ or by selecting My STI on the STI website. 

Natural persons and legal entities who want to use My STI electronic services must first register as users and have a My STI representative:

  1. either a natural person (where the user represents himself/herself);

  2. or a natural person representing a legal entity or another natural person who has been granted the right to represent the recipient of the electronic service when using and/or receiving electronic services via My STI.

To sign up for My STI, first provide an e-mail address of the My STI representative where the confirmation link should be sent. To start using My STI services, you must first activate the link received and therein verify the e-mail address. The verified e-mail address is used to send notifications when documents are sent by the STI to the electronic service recipients to their My STI accounts, as well as information linked to electronic services and tax procedures.

If, together with notification about received document in My STI you wish to receive a related document, you can use the service — sending documents by e-mail. Choose: Pradžia - > Pranešimų nustatymai, tick „Noriu, kad dokumentai būtų siunčiami (pridedami) kartu su el. paštu siunčiamu pranešimu apie gautą dokumentą Mano VMI“.

My STI representation rights are automatically granted to natural persons (when they are the recipients of the electronic service) and to the head of a legal entity (when the recipient of the electronic service is a legal entity) after logging in to My STI and selecting the respective recipient of the electronic service. My STI representatives may authorize another natural person to represent the recipient of the electronic service and grant all or part of My STI rights, as well as rights under other STI systems (AIS, MOSS, EPRIS, TIES) which are necessary for using and/or receiving electronic services on behalf of the recipient of the electronic service.

My STI representation rights may be granted/adjusted via My STI upon arrival to the STI Service Division* or by submitting the Data on My STI representative application by post. 

To appoint My STI representatives (including the administrator of My STI representatives), log in to My STI, select Įgaliojimai in the horizontal menu bar, and select Naujas atstovas Mano VMI.

For more information please see here

For information on how foreign nationals can become STI electronic system users/receive means of access and log in to STI electronic systems/represent another person, please see here.


*Please note that you have to schedule an appointment in advance before your arrival to the STI Service Division. You may book your appointment online.