Obtaining a certificate confirming non-debt to the State Tax Inspectorate

Certificates of settlement with state and/or municipal budgets may be ordered by submitting the application Form FR0319 via My STI: select Paslaugos −> Pažymos−> Pažyma apie atsiskaitymą su valstybės, savivaldybių biudžetais, pinigų fondais. For more information regarding the above procedure, please see here.

The application may also be submitted directly upon arrival to the nearest State Tax Inspectorate Service Division*, or by post.

If all the required tax returns have been filed, and all liabilities due have been paid by the date of the application, then the State Tax Inspectorate issues a certificate (Form FR0320)  attesting to the fact that the respective person is not indebted  to the state and/or municipal budgets or monetary funds. The certificate is issued within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application. The certificate confirms that the respective person is not indebted according to the tax returns, and other tax assessment documents and tax records submitted prior to when the certificate application was filed.

If you have not settled - a certificate (form FR0321) is issued about insufficient settlement with state and/or municipal budgets, money funds. If the taxpayer owes money to the state and/or municipal budgets, money funds and/or has not submitted tax declarations for the current and five previous calendar years, the Certificate is issued no later than within 9 working days from the date of receipt of the request.
You can find more information and frequently asked questions about the certificate of settlement with the state and/or municipal budgets here.

*Please note that you have to schedule an appointment in advance before your arrival to the STI Service Division. You may book your appointment online.