What is i.MAS and how to log in/represent another person

The purpose of the Smart Tax Administration System (i.MAS) is to reduce administrative burdens on taxpayers, improve taxpayer revenue accounting, tax collection, and the efficiency of tax administration authorities, by implementing electronic services for the collection, processing, management and provision of data on taxpayer transactions.

You may log in to i.MAS or its subsystems at https://imas.vmi.lt/isaf/, or by selecting i.MAS or its subsystems on the STI website www.vmi.lt.

i.MAS consists of the following subsystems:

i. APS – remote accounting services for small businesses; 

i.EKA – subsystem of smart electronic cash registers;

i. SAF – electronic invoicing subsystem for the provision of registry data and electronic services;

i. SAF-T – subsystem for collecting and managing standardized accounting data;

i. VAZ – subsystem for submitting waybill data and providing electronic services for issuing, transmitting and receiving waybills.

When first time users log in to i.MAS, they must provide and confirm their e-mail address to which all information linked to providing data and/or receiving i.MAS services is to be sent. It is not possible to use i.MAS functions without confirming the e-mail address
To log in to i.MAS and its subsystems, you must first sign up and have an i.MAS representative.
i.MAS representatives is:

  • natural persons (residents);
  • natural persons representing a company (legal entity) or a resident. 

The rights of i.MAS representatives are automatically granted to natural persons and to the head of a legal entity or persons equivalent thereto after logging in to i.MAS and selecting the respective person to be represented. The rights of accounting officers are only granted automatically when logging in to the i.SAF subsystem. 

In order for you to be represented (provide data and/or use services on your behalf) by another person, you must log in to i. MAS: In the preview window choose i. MAS atstovai -> Naujas atstovas ->  i. MAS atstovo duomenys (tick what rights you grant). After completing these steps, save the information.

If you want to be represented by another person (if you want another person to provide data and/or use services on your behalf), you have to log in to i.MAS: select i. MAS atstovai in the review window ->  Naujas atstovas -> i. MAS atstovo duomenys, then specify the rights to be granted, and select Išsaugoti to complete the operation.The new representative will receive a confirmation link in his/her e-mail address, which, once confirmed, will enable the representative to provide and process data in i.APS, i.EKA,  i.SAF,  i.SAF-T or i.VAZ sub-systems (depending on the rights granted in the subsystems), receive tasks and reminders on data to be submitted, and use the provided data reports.

Please note that if you have already granted representation rights in My STI and/or the EDS, representation rights for i.MAS are not automatically granted.

For information on how foreign nationals can become STI electronic system users/receive means of access and log in to STI electronic systems/represent another person, please see here.


General information about i.MAS and its subsystems (only in Lithuanian)

i.APS (only in Lithuanian)

i.EKA  (only in Lithuanian)

CAQ on the procedure for registering cash registers and other payment instruments from 2023-04-26 (only in Lithuanian)

Information on registration of cash registers, computer network terminals, vending machines and taxi meters can be found here (only in Lithuanian)

i.SAF (only in Lithuanian)

i.SAF-T (only in Lithuanian)

i.VAZ (only in Lithuanian)

How foreign nationals can become STI electronic system users/receive means of access and log in to STI electronic systems/represent another person